August 11, 2023

School Students of Delhi Government and Private Schools barred from using mobile phones in Class rooms

Both government and private school students in Delhi are prohibited from using mobile phones inside of the classroom, according to a stern mandate from the Directorate of Education (DoE).

The DoE advised parents to make sure their kids don’t carry cell phones onto school grounds in the recommendation.

If students bring mobile phones to school, administrators should make plans to store them in a locker or other secure location and give students their phones back after class.
Teachers and other staff members have also been instructed to refrain from using cellphones in settings where teaching and learning activities take place, such as classrooms, playgrounds, labs, and libraries.
Parents and kids have been encouraged to call the helplines provided by the school officials in case of an emergency.

31340cookie-checkSchool Students of Delhi Government and Private Schools barred from using mobile phones in Class rooms