August 4, 2023

Make an exciting career in Aviation Industry

A multi-billion dollar sector of the economy is aviation. In addition to directly creating work, it also serves as a significant global indirect source of employment. Even though the field may appear profitable, it can be confusing for a student to know where to begin and what is necessary to build a successful career in it.

Enrolling in certificate or degree programmes in the subject you want to specialise in is always a good idea. Three to six month certificate programmes, one year diplomas, and three to four year degree degrees are all choices in India. In addition to these credentials, one should work on developing soft skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and customer service. The various programmes include Corporate Flight Attendant Training (one year), Advanced Diploma in Aviation Management and Hospitality (one year), Certification in Ground Operations (six months), Certification in Aviation Retail and Hospitality (three months), Certification in Ground Operations (six months), MBA in Aviation Operations Training (two years), and BBA in Aviation Operations Training (three years). Freshmen should ideally choose an advanced diploma or a BBA, while professionals who desire specialised training can consider certification programmes.

Students should focus on the institute’s excellent training coupled with well-rounded education, on-the-job training through simulations and proxy environments, the faculty’s competence, and placements and recruitments. If the college has multiple locations, it can provide students with access to a large network of employers throughout India and even abroad.

The majority of aviation professions include travel and working remotely. Whether or not you work with customers, an aviation job requires you to be able to get along with a variety of people. This benefits those who want to erode international borders.

31130cookie-checkMake an exciting career in Aviation Industry