November 28, 2023

CUSAT Tragedy: A Wake-Up Call for Institutions to Prioritize Student Safety

The CUSAT Tragedy: A Call to Action for Institutions to Prioritize Student Safety

The CUSAT tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of student safety at all times, both within educational institutions and during extracurricular activities. This includes ensuring that safety measures are in place for both routine activities and special events.

A Comprehensive Approach to Student Safety

Institutions must adopt a comprehensive approach to student safety, encompassing regular review of safety protocols, thorough risk assessments, and comprehensive training for staff and students on emergency procedures. This includes training on crowd management techniques, emergency communication protocols, and evacuation procedures.

Investing in Safety Infrastructure and Training

Institutions must invest in adequate safety infrastructure, including well-maintained facilities, clear signage, and emergency equipment. This investment should be accompanied by comprehensive training for staff and students on the proper

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