June 27, 2023

World Bank Grants USD 255.5 Million Loan to Enhance Technical Education in India

World Bank’s Loan to India Aims to Improve Technical Education Quality and Gender Equity

Loan will support project to upgrade curricula, improve research and internship opportunities, and promote greater gender equity in technical education


The World Bank has approved a USD 255.5 million loan to help India improve the quality of its technical education system. The loan will be used to support a project that aims to improve the teaching and learning environment in government-run technical institutions, as well as to strengthen the quality assurance mechanisms for these institutions. The project is expected to benefit more than 350,000 students annually.

The World Bank’s decision to approve this loan is a recognition of the importance of technical education in India’s economic development. India is a rapidly growing economy, and there is a growing demand for skilled workers in the country. The project will help to ensure that India has the skilled workforce it needs to compete in the global economy.


  • What is the purpose of the loan?

The purpose of the loan is to improve the quality of technical education in India. The loan will be used to support a project that aims to upgrade curricula, improve research and internship opportunities, and promote greater gender equity in technical education.

  • Who will benefit from the loan?

The loan will benefit more than 350,000 students annually. The project will support 275 government-run technical institutions in selected states across India.

  • What are the specific activities that will be funded by the loan?

The loan will fund the following activities:

  • Upgrading curricula to include emerging technologies and skills
  • Improving research and internship opportunities for students
  • Strengthening quality assurance mechanisms for technical institutions
  • Promoting greater gender equity in technical education
  • When will the project be completed?

The project is expected to be completed in 2028.

  • How will the project be monitored and evaluated?

The project will be monitored and evaluated by the World Bank and the Government of India. The evaluation will focus on the following areas:

  • The impact of the project on the quality of technical education
  • The impact of the project on gender equity in technical education
  • The impact of the project on the employment of technical graduates


The World Bank’s loan to India is a significant step forward in the country’s efforts to improve its technical education system. The project is expected to have a positive impact on the lives of millions of students and workers in India.

30140cookie-checkWorld Bank Grants USD 255.5 Million Loan to Enhance Technical Education in India