October 23, 2019

Study by Harvard Business School graduate: 90% Indian students are not work ready

The independent research on employability crisis in India that covered some of the top colleges in the country, has found that 90% college students in India are not prepared to take up jobs and 80% college students want to intern, but have no way to explore the opportunities.
Talerang, coined from ‘talent’ and ‘boomerang’, began as a research project by Shveta Raina at the Harvard Business School. She says, “Many companies have been raising concerns about how theoretical knowledge is not translating to real-time work at jobs. There was a time when companies would invest in training, but now they want job-ready students. This was the main reason that we initiated the research to understand concerns and demands and bridge the gap.

24230cookie-checkStudy by Harvard Business School graduate: 90% Indian students are not work ready