September 1, 2023

‘No torn jeans on campus’: AJC Bose College Kolkata asks freshers to sign affidavit

Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College (AJC Bose College) in Kolkata has recently made headlines for its new dress code policy. The college principal has instructed students to sign an affidavit declaring that they will not wear torn or artificially torn jeans to college. This move has been criticized by students who feel that it interferes with their freedom of expression. Last year, a similar notice was issued by the college authorities asking students and staff not to wear torn or distressed jeans.


Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College (AJC Bose College) is a well-known educational institution in Kolkata, India. It was established in 1964 and is affiliated with the University of Calcutta.

Dress Code Policy

The affidavit is part of the admission process for undergraduate students and contains a declaration pledging not to wear attire considered “indecent”. The principal of AJC Bose College, Purna Chandra Maity, claimed that the move was to enforce strict discipline at an educational institute. He further added that “torn clothes do not fit the decorum of an educational institute. Students must follow the rules of the college and know how to dress appropriately to a formal institute”.


What is the new dress code policy at AJC Bose College?

The college principal has instructed students to sign an affidavit declaring that they will not wear torn or artificially torn jeans to college.

Why has this move been criticized?

This move has been criticized by students who feel that it interferes with their freedom of expression.

Has this happened before?

Last year, a similar notice was issued by the college authorities asking students and staff not to wear torn or distressed jeans.


The diktat has elicited myriad reactions from students and alumni alike. While some students have described it as a curb on personal choice and freedom of expression, others have supported it as many colleges have a dress code. It remains to be seen how this move will affect the student community at AJC Bose College and whether other colleges will follow suit.

Also read

Assam Government Orders Dress Code for Teachers

31800cookie-check‘No torn jeans on campus’: AJC Bose College Kolkata asks freshers to sign affidavit