October 27, 2023

Kerala to Retain “India” in State Textbooks, Defying NCERT Recommendation

The Kerala government has announced that it will continue to use the term “India” in state textbooks, defying a recommendation by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to replace it with the term “Bharat”.

The Kerala Education Minister, V. Sivankutty, said that the state government will not implement the NCERT’s recommendation because it is based on a “flawed understanding of history” and is an attempt to “saffronise” education. He also said that the term “India” is more widely used and understood around the world.

The NCERT’s recommendation to replace “India” with “Bharat” has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have welcomed the move, arguing that it is a step towards reclaiming India’s cultural heritage. Others have criticized the move, arguing that it is unnecessary and divisive.

The Kerala government’s decision to retain the term “India” in state textbooks is a significant one. It is a sign that the state government is committed to upholding its secular values and protecting the country’s diversity.

It is important to note that the decision of whether to use the term “India” or “Bharat” has become political. The Kerala government has decided to continue using the term “India” because it believes that it is more inclusive and representative of the country’s diversity.

Also read, how it started

NCERT Panel Recommends Replacing “India” with “Bharat” in Textbooks

33210cookie-checkKerala to Retain “India” in State Textbooks, Defying NCERT Recommendation