November 3, 2023

Delhi Primary Schools Closed for 2 Days Due to Rising Air Pollution

New Delhi, November 2, 2023: All primary schools in Delhi will be closed for the next two days due to rising air pollution levels. The decision was taken by the Delhi government after the air quality index (AQI) reached the “severe” zone.

The AQI is a measure of the concentration of particulate matter (PM) in the air. PM is a mixture of tiny solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. PM can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer.

The Delhi government has advised people to stay indoors as much as possible and to avoid strenuous physical activity during the period of high air pollution. The government has also issued a number of other measures to reduce air pollution, such as banning the construction of new coal-fired power plants and increasing the use of public transportation.

The closure of primary schools is a precautionary measure to protect children from the harmful effects of air pollution. Children are especially vulnerable to air pollution because their lungs are still developing.

The closure of schools is a reminder of the serious problem of air pollution in Delhi. The city has been ranked as one of the most polluted cities in the world. The government needs to take urgent steps to reduce air pollution levels and protect the health of its citizens.

Important information:

  • All primary schools in Delhi will be closed for the next two days, November 3 and 4, 2023.
  • The decision was taken due to rising air pollution levels.
  • The air quality index (AQI) reached the “severe” zone on November 2, 2023.
  • Children are especially vulnerable to air pollution because their lungs are still developing.
  • The government has advised people to stay indoors as much as possible and to avoid strenuous physical activity during the period of high air pollution.
33280cookie-checkDelhi Primary Schools Closed for 2 Days Due to Rising Air Pollution