September 14, 2023

Over 1.30 Lakh Primary School Teachers in Odisha Protest Against State Government’s Decision to Abolish Old Pension Scheme

Over 1.30 lakh primary school teachers from over 50,000 state-run schools in Odisha have been on an indefinite cease-work agitation since September 8, 2023, demanding the abolition of the contractual appointment system, salary as per the central pay system, and the restoration of the old pension scheme.

The Agitation:

The teachers are protesting against the state government’s decision to abolish the old pension scheme and replace it with a new contributory pension scheme. They are also demanding that the state government implement the central pay scale for primary school teachers.

The protest has affected the education of over 30 lakh students in the state. The government has appealed to the teachers to withdraw their strike, but the teachers have refused.

The Reasons for the Agitation:

The teachers are protesting for the following reasons:

  • The abolition of the old pension scheme: The old pension scheme was a defined benefit scheme, which means that the teachers were guaranteed a fixed pension after retirement. The new contributory pension scheme is a defined contribution scheme, which means that the teachers’ pension will depend on the amount of money they contribute and the returns on their investments.
  • The salary as per the central pay system: The central pay system is a more generous pay scale than the state pay scale. The teachers are demanding that the state government implement the central pay scale for primary school teachers.
  • The restoration of the old pension scheme: The teachers are demanding that the state government restore the old pension scheme. They argue that the new contributory pension scheme is not sustainable and that it will not provide them with a secure retirement.

The Implications of the Agitation:

The protest is a major challenge for the state government. The government is under pressure to meet the demands of the teachers, but it is also facing financial constraints. The government is likely to need to find a compromise solution that will satisfy the teachers and also be affordable.

The protest has also affected the education of over 30 lakh students in the state. The students have been forced to stay at home and are not able to attend school. This is having a negative impact on their education and their future prospects.

The protest is also a sign of the growing discontent among teachers in Odisha. The teachers are demanding better pay and conditions, and they are not afraid to take action to get what they want. This is a worrying trend, and it is something that the government needs to address.

The Way Forward:

The government needs to find a way to address the demands of the teachers. This is a complex issue, and there is no easy solution. However, the government needs to find a way to find a compromise that will satisfy the teachers and also be affordable.

The government also needs to address the underlying issues that are causing the discontent among teachers. This includes the lack of pay and benefits, the poor working conditions, and the lack of respect for teachers. The government needs to take steps to improve the status of teachers in Odisha.

The teacher’s protest is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. The government needs to find a way to resolve the issue in a way that is fair to both the teachers and the students.

32560cookie-checkOver 1.30 Lakh Primary School Teachers in Odisha Protest Against State Government’s Decision to Abolish Old Pension Scheme