September 27, 2023

Students protest as Gurugram school flooded with sewage water for 5 months

Students of a private school in Harsaru, a village in Gurugram district of Haryana, have been protesting against the authorities for neglecting their school, which has been flooded with sewage for five months. The school, which has around 300 students from classes 1 to 10, is temporarily operating out of a nearby building, but the students are unhappy with the situation and demand action.

The students have complained to various agencies, including the district administration, the education department, the municipal corporation, and the pollution control board, but have not received any help. They have decided to take their voices to the mini secretariat by continuing their studies at the protest site.

The students say that they have been facing health and hygiene issues due to the sewage water that has entered their school premises. They also say that they have lost their books, uniforms, and other belongings in the flood. They claim that the school management has not taken any steps to resolve the issue and has instead asked them to pay higher fees.

The students allege that the sewage water is coming from a nearby industrial area, where several factories discharge their waste without proper treatment. They say that the authorities have failed to check the illegal dumping of industrial waste and have ignored their pleas for a long time.

The students have been protesting since September 25, 2023, and have vowed to continue until their demands are met. They want the authorities to clean up their school, provide them with new books and uniforms, and take action against the polluting industries. They also want the school management to reduce the fees and improve the quality of education.

The students have received support from their parents and some local activists, who have joined them in their protest. They have also appealed to the chief minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar, and the education minister, Kanwar Pal Gujjar, to intervene in the matter and provide them with relief.

The district administration has said that it is aware of the problem and is working on a solution. The deputy commissioner of Gurugram, Yashpal Yadav, has said that he has instructed the municipal corporation and the pollution control board to take necessary steps to stop the sewage flow and clean up the school. He has also said that he will look into the grievances of the students and ensure that they get proper education .

32650cookie-checkStudents protest as Gurugram school flooded with sewage water for 5 months