August 11, 2023

MCD Schools to post guards for safety of students

Guards will soon be hired in all the schools to protect the safety and security of the students attending MCD institutions. Additionally, all schools will hire data entry operators to relieve teachers of non-academic duties.

Teachers were given assurances by Delhi Mayor Dr. Shelly Oberoi that a site for teacher transfers would soon go live. Teachers’ outstanding debts will likewise be immediately paid off. We will address the issues that long-term contract teachers in the organisation have. The issue of NPS deduction money not being deposited in the NPS Fund for almost a year was brought up by teachers. The Mayor requested a report on this issue from the zonal offices. After speaking with representatives of The Indian Bank, the Mayor stated that efforts are being made to install libraries and smart classrooms in schools using CSR funds. The mayor asked all of the instructors to give their all when instructing the pupils enrolled in MCD schools and giving the kids their all in their overall growth.

31310cookie-checkMCD Schools to post guards for safety of students