February 26, 2024

Education Ministry Mandates “Six-Plus” Age Requirement for Grade 1 Admission from 2024-25

New Delhi, India: In a major policy shift, the Education Ministry has directed all states and union territories (UTs) to ensure that children entering Grade 1 in the 2024-25 academic session onwards are at least six years old. This directive aims to align admission policies with national educational norms and prioritize early childhood development.

Alignment with National Goals:

The new requirement falls in line with the provisions outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009. Both emphasize the importance of a strong foundation in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and advocate for a developmentally appropriate approach to learning.

Implementation and Impact:

The Ministry, in a recent letter to state and UT education departments, highlighted the approaching commencement of the 2024-25 session and urged them to adjust their admission criteria accordingly. States and UTs are expected to report back on the implementation status by February 20, 2024.

This policy shift is anticipated to impact existing admission policies in some states and UTs, potentially requiring them to raise their minimum age requirement for Grade 1 admission. The move aims to ensure that children entering formal schooling are developmentally ready to grasp the curriculum and teaching methodologies employed at the primary level. Additionally, it aligns with the global trend of delaying formal education and prioritizing holistic development in early childhood years.

Potential Challenges and Considerations:

Effectively implementing this policy might require capacity building and awareness campaigns to inform parents and stakeholders about the rationale and potential benefits. Furthermore, concerns may arise regarding the availability of pre-school or ECCE options for children who might be impacted by the age change for Grade 1 admission.


The Education Ministry’s directive seeks to harmonize admission policies with national educational goals and promote age-appropriate learning for young children. The effectiveness of this new policy hinges on its implementation by individual states and UTs, addressing potential challenges, and ensuring access to quality ECCE opportunities for all children. This initiative marks a significant step towards aligning India’s education system with global trends and prioritizing holistic early childhood development.

34620cookie-checkEducation Ministry Mandates “Six-Plus” Age Requirement for Grade 1 Admission from 2024-25