About Us

The Alma Mater is a common platform for interaction and exchange of ideas between students, teachers, parents, institutions, it’s administration and management , i.e  all the stake holders for the common benefit of strengthening their institution.
It is also a platform for students to share views, interests and creativity and connect with a wider student network.
The Alma Mater’s endeavor is for continuous improvement and betterment of the educational system and it’s supporting elements keeping in mind the stake holder’s interest and  also creating  a wider student network.

Methodology of Using our Website

For Users to raise their issues and participate in discussions , they must log in and register on the website. Users are expected to interact and participate in a constructive, respectful and harmonious manner. Please do not post messages that are false, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, or profane. A defamatory comment is a false comment that is capable of damaging the reputation of a person or organization. If successfully sued in relation to any content posted by you, you could be held liable for considerable damages and costs.