November 8, 2023

Seven Arrested in Coimbatore PSG College Ragging Case

COIMBATORE, Tamil Nadu, India – Seven senior students of a popular college in Coimbatore, have been arrested on charges of ragging, a form of hazing that is common in Indian colleges and universities.

The arrests were made after the parents of several first-year students filed complaints with the police alleging that their sons had been subjected to severe ragging, including being forced to shave their heads and salute their seniors.

The police investigation revealed that the senior students had asked the first-year students for money to buy alcohol. When the first-year students refused, they were subjected to ragging.

The seven arrested students have been identified as Madhavan, Mani, Venkatesan, Dharanidharan, Ayyappan, and Yalis. They have been charged under the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997.

The college principal has condemned the incident and has said that the college has a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging. He has also said that the college will provide counseling and support to the victims of the ragging.

We will track this case an post updates in this case.

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