October 26, 2023

NCERT Panel Recommends Replacing “India” with “Bharat” in Textbooks

A panel of experts appointed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has approved a proposal to replace the name “India” with “Bharat” in school textbooks. The panel has also proposed to introduce “classical history” instead of “ancient history” in the curriculum and to include the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) in the syllabus for all subjects.

The panel’s recommendations are based on the belief that the term “Bharat” is more reflective of the country’s ancient and diverse culture. The panel has also argued that the term “India” is a colonial construct that does not accurately reflect the country’s true identity.

The panel’s recommendations have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have welcomed the move, arguing that it is a step towards reclaiming India’s cultural heritage. Others have criticized the move, arguing that it is unnecessary and divisive.

The NCERT will now need to decide whether to implement the panel’s recommendations. If the recommendations are implemented, it will be a significant change to the way that India is taught in schools.

Expert Opinion

“The panel’s recommendations are based on sound historical and cultural grounds,” said Dr. C.I. Isaac, the chairman of the panel. “The term ‘Bharat’ is more inclusive and reflects the country’s true identity.”

“However, it is important to note that the panel’s recommendations are just that – recommendations,” said education expert Dr. Anita Rampal. “The NCERT will need to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.”


The NCERT’s decision on whether or not to implement the panel’s recommendations will be closely watched by many people. It is a decision that has the potential to impact the way that India is taught in schools for generations to come.

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