October 12, 2023

14 Noida Schools Shut Down for Law Violation

The Gautam Buddh Nagar district administration in Noida has ordered 14 schools to shut down with immediate effect for violating the law. The schools were found to be operating without official recognition and were not following the safety standards set by the government.

The affected schools are located in villages and urban areas of Noida and have students enrolled from Class 1 to Class 12. The district administration has warned that any school that continues to operate in violation of the law will face strict action.

The closure of these schools has left many parents and students in a quandary. The district administration has said that it is working to find alternative accommodation for the affected students.

Violation by schools

  • The schools were found to be violating the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, which makes it mandatory for any entity involved in imparting formal education to be recognised by state authorities.
  • The schools were also found to be operating illegally and without having any recognition from authorities.


The closure of these schools is likely to have a significant impact on the affected students and their parents. Many students may have to travel longer distances to attend school, or may have to change schools altogether. This could disrupt their education and have a negative impact on their academic performance.

Parents of the affected students may also face financial difficulties, as they may have to pay higher fees for new schools, or may have to incur additional transportation costs.


The closure of these schools is a reminder of the importance of ensuring that schools meet the necessary safety and regulatory standards. Parents should carefully research any school before enrolling their child.

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