October 11, 2023

UGC Publishes List of Mandatory Disclosures for Universities

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has published a list of mandatory disclosures for universities in India. The list includes information about the university, its administration, admissions and fees, research, and student support services. Universities are required to disclose this information on their websites and to update it regularly.


The mandatory disclosures are aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the Indian higher education system. They will also help students and parents to make informed decisions about choosing a university.

Benefits of Mandatory Disclosures

The mandatory disclosures will have a number of benefits for students, parents, and the higher education sector as a whole. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Improved transparency: The disclosures will provide students and parents with easy access to information about universities. This will help them to make informed decisions about choosing a university.
  • Increased accountability: The disclosures will help to hold universities accountable for their performance. This is because students and parents will be able to compare universities based on the information that they disclose.
  • Improved quality: The disclosures will encourage universities to improve their performance in all areas, including research, teaching, and student support services. This is because universities will want to be seen favorably by students and parents.

Implementation of Mandatory Disclosures

The UGC has developed a software application, called the “University Information Management System (UIMS)”, which universities can use to manage their disclosures. The UIMS is a web-based application that allows universities to create and update their disclosure profiles easily.


The mandatory disclosures are a welcome step towards improving transparency and accountability in the Indian higher education system. The disclosures will also help students and parents to make informed decisions about choosing a university.

Other Details

The mandatory disclosures are listed below:

  • About the university:
    • Name of the university
    • Address of the university
    • Website of the university
    • Contact information of the university
    • Type of university (public/private)
    • Year of establishment
    • Accreditations and recognitions
  • Administration:
    • Names and designations of key administrative officials
    • Organizational structure of the university
    • Governance structure of the university
  • Admissions and fees:
    • Admission criteria for all programs offered by the university
    • Fee structure for all programs offered by the university
  • Research:
    • Research output of the university (publications, patents, etc.)
    • Research funding received by the university
    • Research facilities available at the university
  • Student support services:
    • Library facilities
    • Hostel facilities
    • Healthcare facilities
    • Career counseling facilities
    • Extracurricular activities

Universities are required to disclose this information on their websites and to update it regularly. The UGC has also developed a software application, called the “University Information Management System (UIMS)”, which universities can use to manage their disclosures.

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