October 6, 2023

IIT Bombay Distances Itself from Mess Council’s Decision to Earmark Vegetarian Tables

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) administration has distanced itself from the mess council’s decision to earmark vegetarian tables in hostels 12, 13, and 14. The decision was made by the student council of these hostels and does not reflect the views of the administration.

The IIT Bombay administration has also stated that it does not have any separate vegetarian mess and does not plan to have one in the future. The administration is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive environment for all students, and respects the right of students to choose their own food.

The controversy over the vegetarian tables at IIT Bombay has sparked a debate about the role of educational institutions in promoting diversity and inclusion. Some students have argued that the decision to earmark vegetarian tables is discriminatory and exclusionary. Others have argued that the decision is necessary to respect the religious and dietary restrictions of vegetarian students.

The IIT Bombay administration has said that it is open to feedback and suggestions from students and teachers on the issue. The administration is committed to finding a solution that is fair and equitable for all students.

Read more about this row.

IIT Bombay Teachers Join Row Over “Veg Tables Only” Policy

IIT Bombay Student Fined Rs 10,000 for Protesting “Vegetarian Food Only” Policy

32830cookie-checkIIT Bombay Distances Itself from Mess Council’s Decision to Earmark Vegetarian Tables