September 4, 2023

Viral Video Shows Kitchen Staff Member at OP Jindal Global University Crushing Cooked Potatoes with His Feet

A video has gone viral on social media showing a kitchen staff member at OP Jindal Global University (JGU) in Haryana crushing cooked potatoes with his feet. The video was shared on social media on August 28, 2023, and has since been viewed millions of times.

The video shows the kitchen staff member wearing sandals and using his feet to crush the cooked potatoes in a large container. The potatoes are then used to make curry for the students.

The university administration has responded to the video by issuing a statement saying that they are “deeply concerned” about the incident and that they have taken immediate action to investigate the matter. The statement also said that the food service provider, Sodexo, has been asked to terminate the contract of the kitchen staff member involved in the incident.

The students of JGU have also staged a protest against the incident. They have demanded that the university administration take strict action against the food service provider and the kitchen staff member involved. They have also demanded that the university provide them with safe and hygienic food.

Timeline of the Incident

  • August 28, 2023: The video is shared on social media.
  • August 29, 2023: The university administration issues a statement saying that they are investigating the matter.
  • August 30, 2023: Sodexo terminates the contract of the kitchen staff member involved in the incident.
  • September 1, 2023: The students of JGU stage a protest against the incident.

Responses from Relevant Stakeholders

  • University administration: The university administration has said that they are “deeply concerned” about the incident and that they have taken immediate action to investigate the matter. They have also said that they will take strict action against the food service provider and the kitchen staff member involved.
  • Food service provider: Sodexo has said that they are “deeply sorry” for the incident and that they have terminated the contract of the kitchen staff member involved. They have also said that they are committed to providing safe and hygienic food to their customers.
  • Students: The students of JGU have demanded that the university administration take strict action against the food service provider and the kitchen staff member involved. They have also demanded that the university provide them with safe and hygienic food.
  • Parents: Some parents have expressed concern about the safety of their children. They have demanded that the university administration ensure that the food served to their children is safe and hygienic.
  • Food safety experts: Food safety experts have said that the video is a clear violation of food safety norms. They have urged the university administration to take immediate action to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The Way Forward

The viral video has raised serious concerns about the hygiene standards in the kitchens of educational institutions in India. It is important for the authorities to take steps to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

The following steps can be taken to prevent such incidents from happening again:

  • The university administration should conduct regular inspections of the kitchens to ensure that they are clean and hygienic.
  • The food service provider should be required to follow strict food safety standards.
  • The students should be educated about food safety and hygiene.
  • The government should enact stricter food safety laws and regulations.

By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that the food served to students in educational institutions is safe and hygienic.

31940cookie-checkViral Video Shows Kitchen Staff Member at OP Jindal Global University Crushing Cooked Potatoes with His Feet