August 17, 2023

Ashoka University Professors resign in protest

Another Economics professor, “Pulapre Balakrishnan,” has left Ashoka University amid the continuing issue involving the institution and one of its economists. Along with Balakrishnan, other professors have stepped up their calls for the reinstatement of Sabyasachi Das, who was fired. Professor Sabyachi’s coworkers have also submitted a letter to the university’s governing board urging that professor Sabyachi be reinstated. If professor Sabyasachi is not reinstated, the professors have also threatened the university administration with a faculty exodus. Professors from the departments of English and creative writing have also shown support for their colleagues in the department of economics.

The faculty of the department of Economics, students, and supporters of Ashoka University worldwide, had placed their trust in the University’s leadership before Prof. Sabyasachi Das’s resignation offer and the University’s hasty acceptance of it.

As per the letter written by some members, Prof. Das did not go outside any recognised standard of academic behaviour. Peer review is a method used to examine academic research on a professional level. Interference by the Governing Body in this process to assess the value of his most recent study amounts to institutional harassment, limits academic freedom, and creates a climate of fear among scientists. We strongly denounce this and collectively decline to take part in any future evaluation efforts, the letter stated further.

Professor Sabyasachi Das, a member of the faculty at Ashoka University’s Department of Economics, resigned as a result of controversy surrounding his article, “Democratic Backsliding in the World’s Largest Democracy.”  According to Professor Das’ study, the BJP disproportionately won a number of hotly contested parliamentary seats in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, particularly in states where it was the incumbent government at the time.

The research report quickly gained popularity online and attracted criticism from a variety of sources. The institution quickly distanced itself from professor Sabyasachi’s article as it became clear that there would be controversy surrounding the research paper.

Despite significant efforts to persuade him otherwise, the institution has accepted his departure… After being posted recently on social media, where many believed it to reflect the opinions of the institution, Dr. Das’ dissertation on Indian elections became the centre of intense debate. The university does not supervise or direct the research that its professors and students carry out. Dr. Das was likewise entitled to this academic freedom, the institution

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