August 3, 2023

Ethnic violence in Manipur displaces over 14,000 school children

The ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur has displaced over 14,000 school children, who are now living in relief camps. The violence has affected 4,617 schools in the state, out of which 100 have been converted into relief camps or accommodation for security forces.

The Education Minister of Manipur has said that the state government is taking steps to provide study materials, uniforms, and coaching classes to the displaced students. The government is also planning to resume normal classes from July 1.

The violence erupted on May 3 after a rally by the Naga and Kuki tribes against the demand of the Meitei community to be recognized as a scheduled tribe, which would give them special benefits. The violence has claimed at least 58 lives and displaced over 65,000 people.

The displaced students are facing a number of challenges, including lack of access to education, food, and shelter. The government is working to address these challenges, but it is a daunting task.

The violence in Manipur is a reminder of the fragility of peace in the region. The government and the different ethnic groups need to work together to find a lasting solution to the conflict.

In addition to the displaced students, the violence has also affected thousands of other people, including teachers, parents, and community members. The violence has disrupted the lives of many people and has created a sense of insecurity in the region.

The government needs to take steps to address the root causes of the violence and to ensure that the displaced students are able to continue their education. The government also needs to provide support to the other victims of the violence.

The violence in Manipur is a tragedy, but it is also an opportunity for the government and the different ethnic groups to come together and build a more peaceful future for the region.

31070cookie-checkEthnic violence in Manipur displaces over 14,000 school children