May 12, 2023

DU’s Hindu College suspends & fines 20 students protesting against Principal and allegedly defraud

Hindu College has suspended over 20 students for two months and fined them Rs 10,000 for protesting against the principal last month over the annual cultural fest. Close to 15 students have also been issued a notice and fined Rs 10,000 for allegedly defrauding vendors called for the fest.
Some students blocked the way of the principal when she was going to attend a meeting at the university and shouted humiliating slogans.
The college fest was held on April 27 and 28. The college notice to the students stated that unreasonably high amounts were charged for stalls/ different rates, transactions only in cash, commission charged over and above stall charges and promised facilities were not given to vendors. Vendors demanded a refund of investment and threatened the college with stalling Mega Programme of Star Night if the authorities did not do the refund.

28820cookie-checkDU’s Hindu College suspends & fines 20 students protesting against Principal and allegedly defraud