Day: August 11, 2023

Delhi Schools Ban Mobile Phones to Improve Academic Performance

The Directorate of Education (DoE) in New Delhi has issued an advisory banning the use of mobile phones in all private and government schools in the city. The advisory comes into effect immediately. The advisory states that mobile phones can be a major distraction for students in school and can also be used for cyberbullying…

School Students of Delhi Government and Private Schools barred from using mobile phones in Class rooms

Both government and private school students in Delhi are prohibited from using mobile phones inside of the classroom, according to a stern mandate from the Directorate of Education (DoE). The DoE advised parents to make sure their kids don’t carry cell phones onto school grounds in the recommendation. If students bring mobile phones to school,…

MCD Schools to post guards for safety of students

Guards will soon be hired in all the schools to protect the safety and security of the students attending MCD institutions. Additionally, all schools will hire data entry operators to relieve teachers of non-academic duties. Teachers were given assurances by Delhi Mayor Dr. Shelly Oberoi that a site for teacher transfers would soon go live….